About Us

About Us

by Co-Owner Jim Wywrot


This blog is designed for Industrial guys.

I have always been partial to Industrial people.

Maybe because I am one.

Go figure?


In our office is a sign. It says simply “Every Day Counts”

That is our goal in our attempt at a useful and informative blog.


We hope that it can be a source of good solid information source for people who are looking at new projects.

We hope that it will be entertaining to make your day engaged in the industry you work in is productive and fulfilling as can be.

Because Every Day does count.


Little bit about me.

I am an engineer. My father was a metal worker who worked in a papermill and my mother was a riveter building Hawker Hurricanes during WWII. So I guess being an industrial guy is part of my DNA.

Anyways we hope you like our blog and we hope that you feel free to add to it.


To start off the blog I want to add a short piece  I wrote for the Toronto Star newspaper back for Labour Day.

Sort of an Ode to Industrial People.


Thanks for visiting. If you need any advice on new or used industrial equipment, call toll free 1-888-317-8959 Ext. 26 and lets discuss your requirements.


2 responses to “About Us

  1. I read your short article on wave power. We have one of the best sites in the world for wave power in the Bristol Channel, UK. Why won’t our government invest in it? Perhaps you could persuade them.

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